Our Seasonal Favorites

Stay inside and enjoy the craft beers that warm your soul. These brews are high in alcohol, heavily hopped, and often feature a rich, malty flavor.


Barley Wine, Old Ale, and Winter Warmer are beers in this category that all use a lot of malt for a rich, heavy ale featuring higher alcohol content and varying levels of hop bitterness.


Brewers add a combination of spices reminiscent of the holiday season, as well as chocolate and honey to create a malty beer that perfectly complements a holiday meal.

Bell's Christmas Ale

In contrast to many other seasonals, Christmas Ale doesn't contain any spices: all of the dry, toasted notes & subtle toffee flavors come from the 100% Michigan-grown barley, custom malted by Briess Malting, while a blend of hops from Michigan & the Pacific Northwest lend earthy, herbal aromas. A smooth, highly drinkable beer intended to complement holiday menus, not overshadow them.


Biggest and richest of the Stout beers, this style is full of sweet and roasted malt flavors and offers a full-bodied, high-alcohol brew.


Also called ”double bock“, this is the perfect transitional beer from winter to spring. Brewed for consumption during Lent, this lager is rich and malty, higher in alcohol, and features more calories and carbohydrates that sustained monks while fasting.

Frankenmuth’s Munich-style Dunkel, a dark-brown lager with a smooth malty flavor, a balanced hop, and a toasted bread-like taste. Pairs great with stew, roasted meat, hearty meals and chocolate!