2024–2025 School Year: receipts dated between September 1, 2024 and ending March 2, 2025 are valid

Over the past several years our store, along with other supermarkets with the same passion to support the education of our students, have provided over $380,000 in FREE educational equipment! We want your school to get its share of the many items available…and it is free.

Unlike traditional fundraisers, Tools 4 Schools is easy and fun!


When you shop at our store, save your receipts. Better yet, don't just save your own receipts. Ask your friends and relatives to save theirs, too! Send them to your school weekly and Tools 4 Schools volunteers will redeem them for computers, software, sporting goods, audio-visual aids, science items, books and other teaching tools FREE!

School Coordinators

Since many of your students' families currently shop at our stores, your school already has a strong base of support for this program. Best of all, everyone in your community can take part. It's not limited to your school's students, administration and faculty. In fact, the more outside interest and enthusiasm generated, the greater the benefits to your school. Get businesses, community groups and other school supporters involved! Reminder: Every school must register each year to participate.

It's Easy To Participate

If you have any questions, call Tools 4 Schools at 800.999.7750

We know of no better way to serve the community than by enhancing the educational and developmental environment of our chidren. We look forward to your school's success in this year's program.